Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How do you take your lemonade?

Today is the big day!  I start 3 days of nothing but Pure Lemon Juice (about a 6 oz - twice a day) and 2 oz of Maple Syrup (twice a day) and then 24 oz of water (twice a day).  PLUS ALL THE WATER I WANT!  Can you believe it?  All the water I want?!?!  It is amazing!  Seriously AMAZING!  ha ha!

So in truth, the lemon/syrup/water mixture is quite good.  It is a bit bitter at first but I ended up taking my water intake and adding it to the lemonade mixture throughout the day and it was pretty good.  The first day I was doing well.  The maple syrup is supposed to help your glucose level stay steady so that you don't crash and then binge eat (or that is what I told myself).  I must say it did just that.  Nutritionist Amy did say I could have 1 scoop of the protein shake eat day if I needed to.

The first day I started to get anxious at noon that I was going to crash and feel tired and cranky by 4pm.  My husband was out of town so I knew that I needed to be on the top of my game for the littles.  I had 1 hard boiled egg and 2 small cucumbers peeled at lunch.  When I got home we quickly ran out the door for swim lessons, but I was dreading having to make dinner for the kids.  I wasn't hungry but I really didn't want to be spending time making meals and be tempted by the delicious carbs and breaded nuggets that would be gracing my children's plate.  So instead I drove through, gasp, fast food.  I know... I win WORST mom of the year.  Here I am eating... oh right nothing, and my kids are getting fast food.  But it was how I survived the night so I am calling it good.

The next day, Day 4 of the cleanse Day 2 of the liquid, I was feeling confident.  I felt great.  I was not tired, I was not hangry like I expected, I was however getting a bit delirious.  On this day I was determined not to eat if I could avoid it.  I wanted to see if I could make it one day without eating anything.  Around 3:00pm I decided I wanted a little more.... LIQUID.. so I made a shake.  1 scoop of chocolate did a body good.

But let me tell you what really happened this day.  My darling children decided that while having a play date and mommy was upstairs folding laundry, they would do some cleansing of their own.  After 15 minutes of being upstairs, I came down to find this...
Mommy it snowed!

My littles (minus their little brother who was sleeping) decided to cleanse the couch of the armrest stuffing.  Because honestly why not?  Or in 5 year olds minds: "It was fun."  But the best part was when I saw the mess I gasped a bit but then calming asked the kids where the mess came from.  It was all good we were able to quickly pick up the stuffing and put it back in the arm rest but the best part was the angry and annoyed feeling I would get from my kids clearly doing something naughty was not there.  I laughed told them to NEVER do that again and went about my business.  Because it really wasn't the end of the world.  There was no need to get all worked up about it.  

I finished out the night feeling great.  

My last day doing the juice I was feeling confident.  I was ready to take on the day, I had done 2 days with this juice cleanse I could do one more day.  But around 1:00pm my FOMO was quickly rearing its ugly head.  The kids had a quesadilla and the smell of the amazing melted cheese on a warm tortilla was making me basically want to scream.  I had visions of grabbing the quesadilla right out of their hand and licking it.  I JUST WANTED A TORTILLA.  At this point I am losing it and decided it would be safest for all if I spent the rest of the day away from the kitchen.  When daddy got home, I locked my self in the bedroom until bedtime.  I could not tempt myself any more. 

After the three days though, I woke up feeling amazing.  I was ready to eat some real food (of fruits and veggies) and add in a sweet potato.  

The coolest thing I learned about myself is that "I CAN."  I can do this.  I can choice health, I can make different choices about my food and I can feel better!
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