Thursday, December 18, 2014

The last 10 days... 3 months later

I just realized I never really finished my update on the cleanse so here goes:

The last 10 days of the cleanse proved to be a bit more challenging for me.  Not for any other reason than I was tired of eating only vegetables.  I felt so amazing.  I actually didn't have the desire to cheat, I just wanted to add in some chicken.  All I wanted was chicken!  I had chicken on my brain!

I was able to expand my menu a bit and added in 3 cups of either brown rice, quinoa or sweet potatoes.  I really became a veggie/rice eating fool.  I was loving how I was feeling, I was loving how I looked.  It was honestly the best and hardest thing I have done in a while.  I didn't miss the alcohol or caffeine, I missed the meat.  Who knew!

After the 20 days of the cleanse, I slowly introduced things back into the diet.  I did not rush back out and drink coffee and honestly 3 months later I still drink decaf.  For me one of the things I learned from my cleanse is my relationship with food.  I am a foodie (in that I like to eat- not that I like to cook).

3 months later I am still happy with my results.  I have been able to keep the 10 pounds off, I am more aware of how food affects me and what the consequences will be if I eat something I should not.  This has actually been a great chance to save money.  We no longer go out to eat and if we do, I typically go out to a  place with a salad bar.  I do eat meat, cause I like it, but I am not eating red meat as often and I eat a little less.  I almost always have a veggie at lunch and dinner.

Now that we are at the holidays I can tell that come January I will need to revisit a short cleanse in order to get back on track.  I am so pleased the with results. Even though I thought I might eat a small child during the process, turns out I did not!  All three kids are still alive and happy as can be!

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